The journey to End of Exile

End of Exile Pitch Still001

Storytelling is the entertainment form. It’s satisfying to create stories and if you’re anything like me you’ll do it a lot in your own head in words, pictures, concepts… I’ve wanted to tell stories for as long as I can remember, beginning with childhood games and moving on to write short stories, novels and plays. My desire to tell stories through the medium of film has grown more slowly. My interest was sparked early on and fuelled by using my Grandfather’s camcorder to create stop-motion animation. Since then my interest in film making has developed, been shelved, been taken back up and been shaped and moulded by experience.

Two years ago I entered The Pitch film competition, spurred by my interest in Biblical subject matter and the promise of a budget and production support from industry professionals; an opportunity like no other. I narrowly missed out on the top 10 which was pretty gutting, especially given how much I was invested in the story I wanted to tell and how desperately I wanted to bring it to birth. This year I’m entering again with a new story to tell and have spent the past 18 months in that same place of deep investment.

Although storytelling is priceless and can be done without even pen or paper to hand, a story told verbally, or written down or even worked into a film script isn’t a film. The Pitch is a rare opportunity for me to realise a story that I desperately want to tell. Therefore, I want to share my film pitch with you, you can watch it here.

End of Exile is in the running for The Pitch film competition and open for public vote until October 26th 2015. Follow this link to vote and to discover more about the story.

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